About Us » Parking Information

Parking Information

Pick up, Drop off and Parking

Morning Drop-Off:


To drop off your student/s please make sure and pull all the way forward in the traffic circle. This is very important to keep traffic from backing up on the street. If you are getting out of the car to drop off your child to get them out of a car seat or to assist them out of the car please park on the street. DO NOT get out of your vehicle in the traffic circle at arrival. It is also very important that you release your child from the passenger side of the vehicle and not on the driver’s side. Please make sure to arrange your child’s car seat to accommodate this safety measure.


Students must be dropped off at the front gate or at the traffic circle and will be lining up on the playground to be picked up by the teacher. Our campus is a closed campus and parents and guardians are not allowed on campus unless they are cleared school volunteers. Gates will open at 7:35 AM and will be closed at 7:45 AM. Students arriving after 7:45 am will need to go through the office to pick up a tardy slip.


Afternoon Pick up:

All teachers will line up students on the grassy hill between Twin Peaks Middle School and TBES to be picked up. Please give yourself plenty of time to pick up your student/s and please be patient. Dismissal can run from 10-15 minutes. The process for dismissal is the same as arrival. Please drive all the way forward to the end of the traffic circle. Please try and come as close to dismissal as possible. You will need to park if you are on the street to not hold up traffic on the street. This will prompt law enforcement to come to our campus and they may ticket drivers.


Please remember that the Tierra Bonita parking lot is for staff parking only. Parents can park in one of the two visitor spots or park along Tierra Bonita Road.


Safety Tips

  • Parents, please model safe street crossing strategies, including the use of the crosswalk, and avoid walking through the parking lot.
  • Use sidewalks only.
  • Offer encouraging words to Safety Patrol. These students are very dedicated and committed to what they are doing.